Tuesday 11 September 2012

Life after graduation, I say let's get married

 It is time for us Helderberg College 2012 graduates to wrap up on this phase of our life. The excitement is contagious because it is the celebration of years of hard work and dedication to education. I’m thinking about my future: will I work or for how long I will keep the couch warm?
What do I really want to be when I grow up?

 Whenever I speak to my fellow future graduates, most seem confused and a little scared. Some are still unsure of what they want to be when they “grow up”. The question comes back to me, “what do you want to be when you ‘grow up”. I want to be a homemaker. Such an ideology could get me shot as traditional social roles do not bind women anymore.

Do we all have to be ‘miss independents’’?

 Most young women I meet tell me how they want to become big corporate women, demanding respect. Don’t get me wrong. I do believe in treating females as equal to men. After all Eve came from Adams rib. I’m all for female education in some way I strongly support the Women Empowerment movements. I’m well aware of feminism and education of the girl child. I accept the concept of equal opportunities and roles for both men and women.

But, have we forgotten that home is where the wife is, true feminism?

True Feminism rests in the woman’s ability to bear offspring and ensure that her children grow under her watchful eye. Marriage and the work of a homemaker or of any woman is sacred and of divine order. I will get an education; but in the words of my grandmother, ‘that degree doesn’t keep you warm at night’. True Feminism is in the home. There I’m a wife and a mother, there is no greater calling. I shall proudly walk down the graduation isle an educated homemaker.

The Team

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