Thursday 15 November 2012

Flexible Bones: Acroniques Event


 That’s what I said to myself when I saw the Acroniques act  Saturday, October 27, 2012.
 I have been here three years and I have only seen them once before , but  this time what I saw was epic.: children from the High School, with the assistance from some adults from around the Helderberg area, performing in ways that makes one question if gravity truly exists to somw people.
Anderson Hall was the place to be on this day. I entered the building and walk up stairs so I could have a bird’s eye view of everything and then suddenly the lights go off and music starts playing. The curtains open to the beat of the music  and we see  young boys and girls standing in rows of five.  They introduce themselves and do an act; they carry each other in different ways, every group of four doing something different. The song then changes and the people on stage leave for more people to enter. This time a group of about 15 people start forming towers as they climb on each other. The act continues with different towers being built as humans balance other humans on each other.
                  The event was magical especially towards the end when the team on stage walked back and started building a tower with two ladders being held  by adults. Then when the human tower was well balanced, two small boys started climbing the ladder to the top of the tower and stood on top. Surprisingly nobody fell and I was amazed  that they could balance themselves for more than a minute at a time, truly fascinated. At the end of the show,  people were asked if they wanted to learn a few tricks  -  cheating gravity I call it. Several people went forward;   I didn’t.  I was tempted, but I love my life too much and  don’t believe that I should be the one to cheat gravity! 

Monday 5 November 2012

My Journey to…

It has been four long and amazing years. It feels like just yesterday when I was accepted to study at Helderberg College. Now, I am a few weeks away from leaving a college that has taught me to cope with a wide variety of circumstances other than the obvious academic growth.

And it is with faith that I step out into the ‘Great Big Unknown’ of this so-called vicious world that many label it to be.

But, is that really the big picture?

Speaking to many people in the ‘Big World’ and those in lecturer roles, I began to create a picture: An Airbus A380-800 taxing towards me at an international airport where an old well groomed gentlemen walks up to me, cap under his arm while holding his briefcase. His Gold wings standing out on his white shirt.

He looks at me with the greatest of smiles, and utters three words that take my breath away: ‘She’s all yours.’

That is it. The ‘Big World’ is waiting for me to take it by the controls and fly my own path in life. Yes, there will be turbulence at times and there be smooth flying, but I will never forget that I am in partnership with Jesus, is at the helm of it all.

It does seem scary, yet the excitement out-ways my fear. My perception determines my future, what about yours?   

Where has the Social gone?

In a world where the iPod, Blackberry, iPhone, Social networking and interactive devices have made it so simple and convenient for us to communicate with each other, we are quickly and very sadly losing the essence of man’s existence on this planet: for us to all feel loved and touched. This technological epidemic has gone global and viral to such an extent that you now see 7 to 10 year olds walking around with earphones in their ears or they are chatting to their friends via the Blackberry chat service (BBM). So what exactly has this epidemic done to the human race?

The answer lies in how you and I live our daily lives. We have become accustomed to having virtual friends and creating friendships through various mediums for convenience, yet we are loosing that one special touch that only man has to offer on this place we call home, Earth. The sense of touch and understanding. Our social life plays a major role in how we mature as individuals and how we learn to adhere to certain principles. It teaches us how we should overcome certain social or corporate conflicts. These cannot be learned through Facebook, BBM, music etc. We are taught these through experience that we are slowly letting go of.

Many times we each fall short of truly understanding each other. We all have our weaknesses. Yet we thrive on painting and glowing those around us, to keep our weaknesses at bay and far from anyone’s reach. We have become selfish. Leave the criticism for another time; in fact leave it all together.

Because of our technological advancement we have become shallow in how we show our appreciation. When one is good, go out of your way to show they are important. You feel better after uplifting another. Lastly we need to learn how to speak the language of others. It is important to never impose yourself on a stranger, but break the ice on their terms. Become accustomed to the liking of those around you and show an interest in them so that the communication channels will flow easier and faster with progress and stability assured.

Lets put the Social back into being.