Monday 5 November 2012

Where has the Social gone?

In a world where the iPod, Blackberry, iPhone, Social networking and interactive devices have made it so simple and convenient for us to communicate with each other, we are quickly and very sadly losing the essence of man’s existence on this planet: for us to all feel loved and touched. This technological epidemic has gone global and viral to such an extent that you now see 7 to 10 year olds walking around with earphones in their ears or they are chatting to their friends via the Blackberry chat service (BBM). So what exactly has this epidemic done to the human race?

The answer lies in how you and I live our daily lives. We have become accustomed to having virtual friends and creating friendships through various mediums for convenience, yet we are loosing that one special touch that only man has to offer on this place we call home, Earth. The sense of touch and understanding. Our social life plays a major role in how we mature as individuals and how we learn to adhere to certain principles. It teaches us how we should overcome certain social or corporate conflicts. These cannot be learned through Facebook, BBM, music etc. We are taught these through experience that we are slowly letting go of.

Many times we each fall short of truly understanding each other. We all have our weaknesses. Yet we thrive on painting and glowing those around us, to keep our weaknesses at bay and far from anyone’s reach. We have become selfish. Leave the criticism for another time; in fact leave it all together.

Because of our technological advancement we have become shallow in how we show our appreciation. When one is good, go out of your way to show they are important. You feel better after uplifting another. Lastly we need to learn how to speak the language of others. It is important to never impose yourself on a stranger, but break the ice on their terms. Become accustomed to the liking of those around you and show an interest in them so that the communication channels will flow easier and faster with progress and stability assured.

Lets put the Social back into being. 

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